Our Doctors

Dr. Sailaja Kazza
Obstetrics & Gynecology
KIMSHEALTH Medical Center Dubai
Procedures & Treatments
This department supports our Maternity department. Expecting mothers can anticipate only the best of services from our Maternity department, with a selection of packages for ante-natal and post-natal care, attendance and care from our nurses and doctors to help you throughout your pregnancy and ante-natal classes.
Packages for various Gynecology procedures and surgeries
Fetal Medicine, Chromosomal Analysis, Genetic Counseling and Computerized Maternal Serum Screen Programme
Antenatal Care
Un-medicated, epidural and cesarean births
Interventions and prevention strategies
Comfort techniques and preparation exercises
New born procedures, tests and bonding
Pregnancy, labor and postpartum care
Well Women Screening plus premenopausal /menopausal issues
Hysteroscopy, D&C, Diagnostic laparoscopy and dye test
cervical cautery/cervical biopsy/Evacuation of retained products of conception/Marsupialisation of Bartholin cyst
Emergency procedures such as ruptured ectopic pregnancies and ovarian cyst accidents.
Abdominal myomectomy & total abdominal hysterectomy
An annual checkup with Pap smear/HVS , breast check-up
Basic infertility examination, follicular tracking, simple ovarian stimulation, IUI
Application of IUCD (after procedure IUCD location to be checked)
Endometrium sample for histology in bleeding problems/abnormal U/S findings
TVHSSG= transvaginal hysterosalpingosonography (to diagnose uterine/endometrial problems (polyps, fibroids)/ to check (using air/saline combination) if Fallopian tubes are open
Colposcopies and loop colonization to treat cervical cell changes (HPV, CIN I-III, Carcinoma in situ)
The Information will be updated soon.
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